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Partner Solutions

For Foundations

Nearly 200,000 reviewers



For foundations and corporations who are trying to decide which nonprofit to donate to, GreatNonprofits offers an unbiased platform that collects real reviews from beneficiaries served. The platform allows foundations and corporations to not only see the numbers and metrics, but also the real stories of impact that will ultimately help make the world a better place, one nonprofit at a time.



For Software providers

Dozens of clients use our API
People Served

20,000 nonprofits

~200,000 volunteers & donors


For software providers including grants management software or employee-giving software, we offer an easy-to-implement

bi-directional API. With this API your software or website can come alive with real-time reviews about nonprofits from donors, volunteers, staff, and more. And since the API is bi-directional, users can write reviews directly on your site and data will flow to Great Nonprofits and back. The API is so easy to use -- one of our partners deployed it in two hours. No joke! Contact us for details.



For Advertisers

We have reach and depth

Hewlett Foundation

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Peery Foundation

Walter & Elise Haas Fund

Charles Stewart Mott Foundation

Craigslist Foundation


GreatNonprofits is a great way to reach your audience. In 2013 alone we received 11 million page views and growing more than 30% YOY. We had 2.4 million unique visitors in 2013, broken down by nonprofits and individuals. Monthly we email nearly 20,000 nonprofits (executive directors and other staff) and 140,000 volunteers and donors.


We have an array of advertising available from web placement to email marketing. This is the perfect way to reach a very targeted group of people who are making positive change in this world. Contact us for details.


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