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Gain Inspiring Stories of Your Members

Inspire Generosity

What are your members' giving stories? How do you better engage your members with stories? How can you use your members stories in your programs and your outreach?


GreatNonprofits, a website with more than 300,000 stories about nonprofits, is helping giving networks collect and showcase their members’ giving stories.  Your members’ stories can help you inspire and recruit more members.  They also can inspire greater giving to your nonprofits and local community.

Benefits to Donor Networks:

  • Get stories of your members and why they give.

  • Get useful templates and gain valuable recommendations on how to use stories in your programming and member engagement.

  • Gain promotion of your giving network on

Inspiring Generosity:

In order to unlock billions of philanthropic dollars, the philanthropy sector needs more donors to tell their stories of giving. 


It takes jut 3 minutes to answer these guiding questions: What inspires you to give? What is one nonprofit that you’ve given to that’s special to you? What have you gained through that giving experience? What surprised you about that experience? How has being part of this giving network changed you? 

Sharing Stories:

You will receive all the video stories by your members. You can use the videos are you wish - on your website, social media, events, or newsletters.


Your member’s stories will also be featured on the GreatNonprofits website for your local city. is the largest storytelling platform to inspire and inform donor with nearly six million annual users looking for great organizations.

Watch all the stories shared by generous donors like you!

Sample Messages:

Feel Free to Make it Your Own!

Introduction Through Email

Subject Line: Share Your Giving Story at [Name of the Event]!


We are so glad that you are attending [Name of the Event]! I also wanted to reach out and ask if you'd be willing to share your giving story on camera. I know that you have a great story!


We are capturing giving stories of why people give and what inspired them to get involved with SVP. You will be asked 6 simple questions by the videographer. We would love to get your story on video. It'll just take 10-15 minutes of your time. Our partner, GreatNonprofits, will be doing the filming and this giving story project is supported by the Bill & Melinda gates foundation.  


Your story will be used in social media and online to inspire others to give.


We can all increase the impact of our giving by inspiring others to give. You can change a life by helping to inspire someone to give.  


If you are interested please, let me know!

Interview Questions

1. What inspires you to give?

Describe a person or life event that has inspired you to give.


2. What is one nonprofit that’s special to you?

3. Can you tell us about a person that you met who benefitted from the nonprofit's program? Can you paint us a picture of the person you met? (Ie: a 16 year old foster child living in a trailer...or an elderly man who came in for the lunch program and sat across from me)  Or an event or site-visit where you saw that made an impression on you?  


4. What have you gained by giving?

Giving has made me feel...


5. What has surprised you about giving?

Something that I didn’t expect was to learn…...And this experience made me feel….


6. What has [Name of the giving circle] meant to you?

Pre Interview Tips

  1. The goal of video is to inspire and get others to join you. Smile. Be passionate. Imagine you are talking to a good friend.

  2. The final video will be about 1 minute long. Your response should be concise.

  3. You don’t have to memorize questions. You will be asked questions one by one.

  4. Please paint a picture when you describe a story, such as specific person, time, location ,etc. We want audiences who watch this video to see and feel what you experienced.

  5. Your videos will be used by your giving circle and featured on the leading site for recommendation for donations and GreatNonprofits social media.

And feel free to contact our marketing specialist, Man-Chi Kao if you have questions or comments at

Why Stories? Why Now?

In order to unlock billions of philanthropic dollars, the sector needs insights on the impact of storytelling on donor behavior. We believe stories make a difference in inspiring and informing donors and their giving decisions.

​ is the largest storytelling platform to inspire and inform donors. With

nearly 300,000 first-hand stories from across 30,000 nonprofits, GreatNonprofits inspires nearly six million annual users looking for great organizations making a difference.


Sharing Outcomes

In addition to sharing our Donor Insights with Giving Network partners, we will disseminate findings to 30,000 nonprofits, local media, and the network of 20,000 self-identified individual donors.


Our goal is to empower sector leaders to leverage our insights in their respective marketing communications and programming efforts. We will produce deliverables including at least 6 templates, 2 webinars, 4 blog posts or blog posts, and in-person presentations to inform our

partners and disseminate our findings across the sector. (In addition, we will provide Giving

Networks with respective member giving stories survey results.)

Join Leading Networks

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